Meet Our Happy Herd.

Every Animal Has a Story.

Get to know the unique personalities and heartwarming stories of our animals. From spunky goats to shy rescues learning to trust, each animal at Goatchella adds a special chapter to our story.

They’ve overcome challenges, and now they thrive. Discover how your support makes a difference in the lives of our furry friends.

Meet Ace

  • I was offered the sister to one of our other goats and jumped at the chance to reunite them. While I was in the process of loading her up, I saw this little fur ball (no exaggeration) peeking out from around the corner. He was so unusual with his long hair and I said, “He looks like he should be on the side of a mountain!”

    The answer I recieved was, “He’s not going to be on a mountain, he’s going to be on a dinner plate!” That was all I needed to hear and I took Ace with me on that drive home!

  • Ace’s size will stop you in your tracks! He is more like a small horse than a goat, weighing in at over 200 pounds!

  • Ace is a gentle giant. He is #2 in the hierarchy so he can def be bossy. He loves endless back scratches and is a bit of a kissing bandit so beware!

  • Ace’s favorite treats are animal crackers and carrots. He loves to relax anywhere up high– like a king looking down on his subjects!

  • I’m a lover, not a fighter!

Meet Sisters,
Onyx & Indie

  • Onyx and Indie were our very first goats! This is where it all began! Learning that farm animals are often just a commodity was something I didn't know. I didn't know that if an animal couldn't be used or sold that it was disposable. These two girls were three months old and it had already been determined that they were of no use and would be gotten rid of. I couldn't bear the thought, so with zero knowledge, I brought them home and promptly ordered the book Goats for Dummies and the adventure began!

  • These two are actually pretty reserved most of the time, they have had their moments for sure but most of the time they keep to themselves. Indie is definitely the boss of her sister though.

  • Being the OG’s of the farm, it’s surprising that they have never been leaders. They are mostly just companions to one another although when the group gets the zoomies, they definitely join in!

  • Animal crackers are their favorite treats and taking afternoon naps in a sunny area  is always the coveted spot.

  • You can’t sit at our lunch table!

Meet Stormy

  • Stormy came from an animal hoarding case with his sister Rainy in 2019.

  • Stormy was the absolute shyest boy of the herd for years! Starting his life in a pretty chaotic and unhealthy environment left him afraid of everything. He would not let us touch him or pet him and he would only take an occasional treat. One day, almost a year to the day actually from when he came to the farm, he sat next to me and put his head on my knee. It is still one of the most special moments I have shared with one of our animals.

  • Stormy is now the herd boss! Yes, from the shyest boy to the leader! Now he is the VIP and eats first, picks the premium spots in the sun, and definitely can be a super treat stealer from the rest of the herd!

  • Anything fruity, salty, or sweet– but animal crackers are always the fan favorite.

  • “Silence is a source of great strength,” as said by Lao Tzu. In other words… keep your chaos to yourself. I run things here!

Meet Wynter

  • Wynter came to us at 5 days old. He needed to be bottle fed and I was thrilled to give him a shot at life. He lived in the house until he was old enough to join the herd and as is par for the course around here I had no idea what I was doing, but the community answered all of my questions and it was a blast to have a baby goat racing up and down the hall!

  • Wynter has crystal blue eyes that will steal your heart and because he has never known adversity or fear he will snuggle up like a puppy and take a nap on your lap!

  • Wynter is a family man! He is daddy to Sonny and Skyy and only has eyes for Rainy their mama! He is constantly moving up the chain of command and I believe that one day he will be herd boss!

  • Favorite spot to relax is on a comfy bed under the fan beard blowing in the breeze. Treats are animal crackers, pretzels and carrots.

  • I’m just here for the snacks.. but I’ll take the throne when it’s time.

Meet Mama Rainy and The “Littles” Sonny and Skyy

  • Mama Rainy came from a hoarding case at a farm in our area that was exposed and fortunately we were able to give her the life she deserved. Sonny and Skyy were born here! Watching them come into this world was truly incredible and an experience I will never forget.

  • These 3 are inseparable. It is the sweetest thing to watch this little family grow and see the amazing bond they share to this day. Rainy is such a sweet attentive mama and Skyy is just a gentle little soul. Sonny is a mischievous wild boy with his daddy’s blue eyes, and you will often see him with his tongue wagging acting like a goofball- but always keep your eye out because he is also a booty biter!

  • These 3 are playful members of the herd, none of them have a ranked position but they can hold their own even with the big guys.

  • You will most often find them in a cuddle puddle somewhere in the sun. Their favorite treats are the farm staple of animal crackers, carrots and apples.

  • Rainy would say, “mama needs a minute to herself.”

    Skyy would say “Can someone take me to Sephora? I need new skincare.”

    Sonny would say “I just farted!”

Meet Ruby

  • Ruby was the sister to one of our first goats Ghost who sadly passed in 2023. Originally the farmer that had them both would only let me have Ghost and not her sister because he had planned to use her as a dairy goat. To my surprise a few months later he said he changed his mind and I was able to get her and reunite them!

  • Ruby has always been on the shyer side, but as the years have passed she has found her confidence and has now asserted herself as #4 in the pecking order.

  • Ruby is a busy body and always likes to make sure she is not missing out on any secret treats or head scratches! She is the chief investigator on the farm!

  • A spot in the shade with a good view of the action is where you find this girl. I always keep a secret stash of granola cookies in my pocket for her!

  • Are there any more granola cookies? Asking for a friend.

Meet Grace The Pony

  • Grace is estimated to be about 19 years old and was used for pony rides her whole life. She was tired which is no surprise, but if she didn’t want to work she was no longer valuable and was being sent to auction. I was so grateful to be able to save her and although I knew nothing about horses or ponies, I knew that once again the community would have my back and walk me through everything I needed to know to give this girl a wonderful life– and she came with a best friend! We will get to that in a moment!

  • Grace is almost a senior citizen, but she has some spice! It took a little time for her to trust me but with a lot of patience we have built a very special relationship. She is very different from the goats, she has a much calmer demeanor and when she gives long soulful stares with her big blue eyes and I know she feels safe and loved.

  • She asserted herself immediately amongst the herd and she is definitely the big boss. If the goats get out of line she has no problem giving a little nip as if to say ok cool it! She is always keeping a watchful eye on her bestie Starr as well.

  • Her favorite treat definitely carrots! Apples and animal crackers run a close second. Favorite place to relax is in the dirt after a bath!

  • I do what I want!

Meet Starr

  • Starr was at the same place that had Grace and she was badly injured with no care, but was still managing to get around under the watchful eye of her bestie. She was just a baby, not even a year old and it was unimaginable the pain she had already endured! Once she arrived here and saw our vet, it was determined that her leg would have to be amputated immediately which of course we did and then her life truly began!

  • Starr is a spunky little tripod that is still a little leery of too much affection, but will let you sneak in a few little scratches for some treats. She is very curious and fearless as long as Grace is there to protect her if the herd zoomies get a little wild!

  • Starr is the last in line of seniority, but she doesn't let that stop her and will still stand up for herself if she gets challenged… mostly by the Littles! The bigger goats can't be bothered and just watch her bop around.

  • Her favorite place to relax is anywhere up high or in a pile of pine shavings like a little nest. She is a fan of all of the usual treats! Apples cookies and carrots.

  • I am small but mighty and I'll always be three steps ahead of you!